Thursday, March 21, 2024

Club Notes - March 20, 2024

Hi everybody.  I hope you all had fun this week.  Thanks again to Mic for running the show.  I am optimistic that I will be able to join you again next Wednesday.  I am seeing improvements and hope it will even better once I get the staples out of my back on Monday.

 Here are the notes from Mic:

“We had 12 members there and a visitor, Sydna Eastman.  I’m pretty sure she’ll be back next week as she brought her machine & made an animal to take home and finish!!

Both Mary Ellen and I blended the big blocks we took home last week into projects.  See pics.  I hope more will come back in future weeks.

Most everyone grabbed fabric & jumped into cutting out animals.  Several were put together & sent home with Ceal for faces.”

Show and Tell:

 Carolyn Grasso showed some 9-patch blocks she made 

and the quilt for her son that she finished.

Nilda Nicoletta also made some 9-patch blocks

 and showed a block project she has started.

Bev Minnerly made 2 walker bags.

Pat Pipa made 2 9-patch blocks 

and a couple of bunny treat bags.

Mary Ellen Boutin showed a back pack she made.

Mic made a tote bag 

and a purse.

Audrey Phillips showed a quilt with embroidered butterflies.


Next week I plan to continue the toy making effort.  Looking forward to seeing you all.

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