Show and Tell:
B.J. Herter started us off by showing her finished cornucopia.
Mic Pickard finished another set of place mats and a couple of pillowcases.
Brenda Severa showed a charity quilt top she made.

Pat Pipa showed a t-shirt quilt she made for her granddaughter, a set of placemats, and a finished doll for our charity effort from last month.

Bev Minnerly finished 4 more placemats (making 8 of her set of 12), and the tunic she made from our project a few weeks ago.

Ellen Hein made a set of placemats, some infant hats, and a project bag for her grandson.
Lu Karatzas showed her set of finished placemats.
I showed 4 quilts. The first one Pat Pipa made and I quilted.
The second one I made from our stash of blocks,

The last 2 are baby quilts I made from some panels I had in my stash.
Lynn arrived late with a stack of quilts she made. She spent the afternoon tying them so they will be ready to go to Panama City.
We have now given 12 quilts to Lynn to send to Panama City. She reported she currently has 52 quilts to deliver next week. She is leaving on the 18th to transfer the quilts to the woman who is bringing them to the hurricane victims, so we have a chance to get her any more we have ready by next week. Lynn said they will be taking another load of quilts before Christmas as well. They have a goal of getting 2,000 quilts to these devastated families before the real cold weather sets in on the Panhandle.
Lu Karatzas gave a demo today on how to make fabric postcards. I am attaching a template I found for the address side of a postcard that you can print on printable fabric or stabilizer, if you wish. Eileen Navikas chimed in and showed a card she made. She writes letters to her granddaughter in cards she makes by folding a regular size piece of paper in half and gluing a fabric motif to the front.
After the demo everyone got busy. Two new ladies, Sandy and Lorraine, dived into the box of 6" blocks and laid out a charity quilt to sew. I took the box of patriotic dryer sheet quilt blocks and laid out a quilt from these. Mic Pickard and Diane Placek went to work on our massive supply of white fabric, cutting it into 1.5 inch strips for sashing and dryer sheet center strips. Everyone else was busy making postcards or working on other projects. It was a very productive afternoon.
Next week we are planning to make stuffed toys. I will send out a couple of easy patterns in a separate email. We have some fabrics in our supplies that should work for making these. I will look in our supplies and bring in what I think might work, as well as stuffing. See you next Wednesday.
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