Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Club Notes Sept 26, 2018

Pat Pipa and I attended the Villages Lifestyle club leaders meeting last week.  I shared the following info with club attendees today:

- There is now (or will be soon) wi-fi at all Villages rec centers, not just the regional centers.  It can't support a lot of users, but at least it's available for group presentations.

- They are in the process of installing handicap access door buttons on all rec centers, standing in the north and working the way south.

- As of the end of last week there were 2,972 lifestyle groups in The Villages

- They are going to be showing outdoor movies at the softball fields. Attendees can pull in with their golf cart and listen on FM radio.

- It is a requirement that everyone attending a lifestyle group sign a waiver once a year.  These forms are available in the front lobby in each rec center.  I'll remind everyone again in January.


Show and Tell:

- Diane Placek showed a baby quilt with cute Llama fabric and a great corresponding quilting stitch.

 - B.J. Herter showed a charity quilt she finished.

- Nella Rose hand crocheted a beautiful cross as a wedding gift for a relative.

- Mic Pichard showed a purse/tote she made for her red hat group.

- Linda Parr showed a Halloween embroidered towel.

- Donna Rissman showed the little elephant she finished sewing.

- I showed the 2nd quilt I quilted that was donated by Carol Thurston from her friend's estate. This and the one I showed a few weeks ago will be donated to the VHA Hoedown quilt raffle.

- I also finished quilting a charity quilt Pat Pipa made the top for, with a combination of her blocks and blocks from our stash.


Lynn Kluczynski gave today's demo on how to make a beach cover-up from towels.  Several ladies got to work making these after the demo.

I brought 2 bins of fabric out of my storage to be cut up into dog bed stuffing and several ladies got to work cutting it up and pulling out anything that might be useful.  They filled 4 large dog beds with it.  Thank You!

On the other side of the coin, a lady brought in 5 boxes of fabric, most of which is only good for dog bed sleeves or walker bags.  So I refilled the 2 bins that were emptied with as much as would fit and brought that plus another box home.  We'll see home much I can process this week.

We didn't have a demo on the schedule next week so I am filling in with a pattern for an eyeglass case.  This can  be adjusted for the size of any pair of glasses (or sunglasses).  I'll send the pattern out in a later email.

Hope to see you next week.

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