We had a short show and tell, a short demo, and lots of free sewing time today. It's all good.
Paul Farineau, the gentleman who coordinates the military Hospice quilts, came by the afternoon to pick up 4 we had complete and drop off 5 more of the center squares. He told us how much he and the military families appreciate our efforts.
I received approval on our club permit for next year. We have the same weeks and rooms as last year, plus a room at Mulberry for the 2nd & 3rd weeks of Jan, Feb & March when we don't have anyplace else. I will send out a notice each each during the winter to make sure everyone knows where to go.
Next week is our monthly charity project week and we will be making pillowcases for Ryan's Case for Smiles, the Shriners, and the Ocala Domestic Violence ans Sexua Assault center. We have lots of fabric pre-cut and ready to be stitched. If you want to bring a serger to finish them off, this is the week for that.
We also have 2 ladies from Ryan's Case for Smiles coming to talk to us about the program. I hope you will all make an effort to join us if possible to hear them speak and show our appreciation for their effort to come out to talk to us.
Show and Tell:
Charlotte Cecillio showed a fun purse made from a sexy red bra. So cute, I think we all need one of these.
Our pillowcase queen Diana Gosselin outdid herself this week, turning in 29 pillowcases!

Pat Pipa finished 2 more fidget walker bags and a great 5-easy pieces quilt for her grand-dog.
Ellen Hein made a stack of bandana bibs for her granddaughter and future grandson
Nella Rose made a stack of potholders for her granddaughter.
Dariel Diestelkamp showed her complete hanging storage.
I did a quick demo on how to make a pot handle cover. The very simple pattern is attached. I saw quite a few of these completed in no time this afternoon.
After the demo a couple of us dived in to do more fabric sorting. We made good progress and even filled another dog bed.
Hope to see a bunch of you come out next week.
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