Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Club Notes - August 23, 2017

We had a good turnout for today's meeting -21 ladies including 2 new members.  I have been pleasantly surprised at the number of sewing ladies who have moved into the northern area of the Villages in the past few months and found our club. I think we have had a new member each week all summer.  Welcome ladies, I hope you find your new best friends in our group.

Show and Tell:

Carol Riggs completed the car trash bag project that I demoed a few weeks ago.  

Bev Minnerly continues to make lovely clothes for the Giving Dolls project.

Lu Karatzas is back from her New Hampshire summer.  WHile visiting with her family she showed her grandchildren how to make drawstring backpacks.  They made some for themselves and 2 for charity.Lu also showed another fidget muff she made.

Mary Nazgiewicz made 2 pillowcases and a fidget quilt

We also received pillowcases from Vanessa Hathaway, Diana Gosselin and myself. More were turned in during the meeting, and several people took fabric home to make more.  I don't have a count, but the pile I handed to Carol was pretty big and I took home a bag full to wash.

Linda Parr demonstrated how to make snap bags this week.  She gave us several hints on how to make this easier.  I've attached her pattern to the email.

After the demo everyone sewed or cut or sorted fabric as the spirit moved them.  Mary Nazgiewicz and I worked our way through a tricky row by row pattern, but I think we're both close to conquering it.  

Next week Donna Rissman will be demonstrating the fabric strip box. Next week Donna Rissman will be demonstrating the fabric strip box.  See the July 5th blog for a photo.  

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