I got a little good news this afternoon. as you know, I have been in negotiations with the Villages recreation services rep regarding our winter meetings and we have reached what I hope will be an acceptable compromise for all of you. There were no other craft rooms available anywhere in the Villages for the afternoon time slots. However, we have been approved to use the Beach Room in El Santiago every other Wednesday afternoon during the winter months and return to the Hula room April - December. Our approved time remains the same - 12:30-1pm set-up, 1pm-3:50pm meeting. The Beach room is one half of the large room next door to where we are now. There will be fewer electric outlets, so we may want to do projects that don't involve sewing machines over the winter. I know we can come up with some good ideas. It might even be sewing projects where we do the prep work at a meeting and the final sewing at home.
So the schedule will be as follows:
Jan & Feb we meet the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays in the Beach Room
March we meet the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays in the Beach Room
April - December we are back in the Hula Room
On the off weeks maybe we can plan some outings/road trips. What do you think? I'm going to look into some possibilities and would welcome any ideas you have as well.
This is less than I hoped for but at least we are keeping our time slot and location. This will also give us the opportunity to chat with the Boggy Creek Bear Sewers and see if we can work anything else out over the long term.
Show and Tell:
Kathy Nichols missed last week's meeting, but she made up for it this week with 5 show and tell items.
First, she showed her finished shirt apron.

Next, she showed 2 pillows she made. I believe she said they are for her granddaughter. The pink one is done in crazy quilt style and the green one is done with a bit of chenille work.

Last she showed 2 plates she decorated, using clear glass plates, fabric, and Modge Podge.
We agrees that this would be a great project for her to lead sometime in the winter.
Donna Rissman was next with her completed iron caddy. She also talked about how the pattern we used was for a large iron, and it could easily be adjusted to make a caddy for a smaller iron.
Donna is also coordinating a road trip to purchase mesh for the mesh bag project we will be working on in 2 weeks. Those who are going are meeting at Sterling Heights at 10am on Friday. Please contact Donna if you plan to join the group.
Eileen Navikas joined right in with a beautiful cat-themed fidget quilt.
I will be bringing supplies to make these next week during our charity work week and my stash include many small panels that will suggest a theme.

Kathy Jones showed a bag she made out of a fractured art piece.
Pat Pipa showed her completed iron caddy. (love the fabric!)
I haven't had anything to show for the past few weeks because I have been spending most of my free time on the Florida Lighthouse shop hop. I finished that quest last Friday, so that let me get a few UFO's done over the weekend.
My first was to make a wallet. I have a great pattern and made one a few months ago out of fabric scraps as a test. I liked it but it was just a little too small to fit one of my loyalty card holders. I made this one using nicer fabric and adding an extra inch to the total length.

Finally, I had 2 quilts waiting to be finished. This first one is for Honor Flight. I quilted in in my embroidery machine, using the Amelie Scott Edge-to-Edge embroidery method and added the binding to finish it off.
The second one is a Star Wars themed quilt for my nephew. It only needed the binding, so I tried out the faux piped binding method I just learned. I will demonstrate this at some future meeting, now that I have tried it. It's a great method because there is no hand sewing involved!
Next week has been designated as charity project week. I will be sending out several patterns for your consideration and will bring all the charity project supplies I have stored in my house.
During this week's meeting I talked about a possible group project. The VHA is holding a fund raising hoe-down in February, and they are looking for quilts to auction off at this event. They have asked the quilt guild to supply some, but, since we have fabric to use, I thought we could make one too. Next week I will show how you can make quilt blocks from strips of leftover fabric and dryer sheets. If we each make a couple of these, I will put them together (or if anyone volunteers to help, that will be great too).
I think that's it for now. Hope to see you all on Wednesday.
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