Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Club Notes - January 29, 2025

We had a great turnout of 24 ladies for our winter pot-luck.  There was lots of great food to choose from.   

I announced that the 2 members who attended the most meetings in 2024 were Suzette Katrishen and Mic Pickard.   I gave them each a towel with an embroidered top hanger.  Suzette is in poor health and staying in The Club, so 2 of our ladies went to visit her and delivered the gift.


Show and Tell: 

Lorraine Manz showed a quilt top she completed.  Lorraine will be going back to Canada so this was her last meeting until next fall.

Mic Pickard showed a Valentine house flag she made.

Audrey Phillips made 2 walker bags.

Ceal Pedersen painted the faces on several bags of stuffed animals that were made at the last few meetings.

I noted that no one had made any frogs, and since I like these, I made 2. I also made an attempt to paint their faces so I can show them at the Giving Showcase next Saturday. .

Carolyn Grasso made 3 animals that still need stuffing.

Anne Knoff showed a quilt she finished.  It was quilted by a member of Khaki who has a long arm.

Candy Dodge showed several samples of techniques she is learning. She finished the folding box we demoed a few weeks ago,

 a seat belt adjuster, 

microwave potato bags, 

a paper pieced tree, 

free motion quilting samples, 

and a paper pieced star block.

Jean Peters showed a walker bag she made with Velcro instead of ties.  We had some discussion on why adhesive Velcro is not very good for sewn projects.  In addition to not providing a permanent attachment, they will gum up the needle if you try to sew them on.

Ellen Hein made a bunch of infant hats for the Leesburg maternity ward.   There were questions on how she made these so she demonstrated the process.

Diane Saculla showed a baby quilt she made.

Bev Minnerly showed a quilt top 

and  some of the doll clothes she made for Dolls From the Heart


After show and tell, we reviewed the Florida trivia questions I handed out.  These were not easy, but Carolyn Grasso got the prize for answering 15 of the 25 correctly.

As our last activity of the afternoon we played several games of Bingo with a Villages life theme.

On February 1st, we will be participating in the bi-annual Giving Showcase.  This is an event that highlights clubs in The Villages that give back to the community.  We will have a table next to Busy Hands, Happy Hearts so we can help each other as needed.  The event will be at Lake Miona rec center from 10AM-2PM.   I could use a volunteer to help out from noon to 2pm.  This is an easy job.  You only need to talk to people about our club.  No selling is involved.  If you can join me, please let me know.

Mic received a large fabric donation, so we will be sorting through that next week.  I hope to see you then.



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