Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Club Notes - January 15, 2025

We had a great afternoon today, with 24 ladies in attendance, including 1 guest and 1 new member.  The only way I can describe the activity is “a joyful noise”.  We had fun picking out toy patterns, cutting fabric, sewing and stuffing.   Ceal even brought in her paints to add the finishing touches.

Show and Tell:  (

Bev Minnerly showed some of the doll clothes she made for Dolls From the Heart.

She also showed some zipper bags she made.

Donna Rissman made a swirling table runner in Christmas colors for a friend.

Ceal Pedersen brought back a bag full of stuffed toys that she added the faces to.  She also showed a quilt top she made for her son..

Kathryn Jeter finished her folding box from last week’s demo 

and made some placemats for the house she is renting.

Eileen DiSanto showed the Oriental doll she finished.

Brenda Severa showed her latest embossed towels 

and a quilt top she made from scraps. (This pattern will be great for a future group project.)

Diane Saculla showed a baby quilt she made.

Mary Ellen Boutin came with a stack of walker bags.


After show and tell, everyone got busy working on the current batch of toys.  I think we all had a good time.


On February 1st, we will be participating in the bi-annual Giving Showcase.  This is an event that highlights clubs in The Villages that give back to the community.  We will have a table next to Busy Hands, Happy Hearts so we can help each other as needed.  The event will be at Lake Miona rec center from 10AM-2PM.   If any of you would like to volunteer at the table for an hour or two, please let me know.  This is an easy job.  You only need to talk to people about our club.  No selling is involved.

Next week we will continue our toy production efforts.  I hope to see you then.

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