Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Club Notes - February 5, 2025

There were 17 of us at El Santiago this afternoon.  I talked a little about the new charity we are going  to be donating to – Vitas.   Mic brought in the latest fabric donation and everyone had a chance to look through it.  We heard that the Sheriffs’ Youth Ranch is looking for pillowcases, but they are specifically requesting that their logo is embroidered on the cuff.  The Embroidery club has the pattern and will be taking care of that.

Show and Tell: 

Pat Pipa showed a toy horse she made.

B.J. is going to a Super Bowl party and she made some chenille potholders for the hosts.

Lisa Strahs-Lorenc showed a port pillow for people going through chemo therapy.  This is being done through Abundance of Love.   She also showed a fabric heart.

Linda Greenbaum showed a folded fabric Christmas Star she made.  She will give a demo on how to make this next week.

Diane Saculla showed a quilt top a friend gave her.  She has the batting and backing, and asked if anyone could finish it by next week so she could give it to Suzzette.

Mary Ellen Boutin showed 2 quilt tops she made.  

The 2nd one used a large block from our “big block box”

Diane Placek showed a quilt top she made for her church prayer group.

Ellen Hein made 25 infant hats and 2 receiving blanket and burp pad sets for the Leesburg maternity ward.


Donna Rissman couldn't join us today but she sent some scardy cats and a Halloween quilt.

I brought a group quilt project today called the Puzzle Box quilt.  Several ladies went to work sewing strips and cutting the 4.5” strips required for the blocks.  We now have baggies with sets of strips to create the required 8” blocks.   The instructions for the blocks are attached to this email.  I am hoping that club members will take a bag or 2, complete the blocks, and bring them back to the club.   Once we have enough I will sew them into a quilt top, like we have done with other group projects.

I am also attaching the instruction on how to make a pillow case, for the benefit of new members.



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