Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Club Notes - April 10, 2024

We had a great turnout today – 18 ladies arrived.  We brought stuffing, wrap n zap batting, and some of the large pieces of fabric from storage.   I also did a quick demo on how to make an easy eyeglass case.  We decided we could sell these at the October craft sale for $3 each.  I’ve attached the instruction.

 Show and Tell:

Carolyn Grasso made a backpack with a matching zipper bag, 

and a quilt for her granddaughter.

Nilda Nicoletta made 2 stuffed bears and a quilt top.

Bev Minnerly made 2 cats, 

2 pillowcases, 

and 3 doll bodies for another club she joined.

Pat Pipa made a walker bag.

Anne Knoff came with patterns for several new stuffed toys.

a pig, a turtle,

a rocket

and a whale.

B.J. Herter made 3 dinos.

Ceal Pedersen painted faces on a bag full of stuffed animals. 

  (I gave Mic this bag plus 2 more, for a total of 45 stuffed toys to be delivered to The Villages Hospital Auxiliary)

Brenda Severa showed several towels she embroidered.

A flamingo

A rabbit and a lamb

The same cat on 2 different towel backgrounds
and a squirrel


Louise Stem made 4 pillowcases

Audrey Phillips made a walker bag.

After show and tell I give the quick eyeglass case demo and gave a one-on-one lesson to Nilda on how to make them.

Everyone was very busy all afternoon.  The main activity was cutting out walker bag kits.  Some were taken home while others will come back next week to be assembled.  It looks like we will have enough made for Freedom Point within a week or two.

I will also do a demo on how to make one of the potholder patterns for our sale.

Hope to see you next week.



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