Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Club Notes - September 13, 2023

This was a different kind of meeting.  Mic and I got together early and pulled everything marked as “sale” out of storage so we could inventory and set tentative prices. The list of what we found and the prices we assigned is attached to this email.   We seem to be missing a bag of items and I am still looking for them.  Mic and I double checked storage after the meeting and I checked my spare room at home, with no luck.  I still have a few places to check, so haven’t given up yet.

Take a look at the list attached to the email.  The items we are lowest on are microwave bowls, potato bags, purses or fabric boxes. If you can make more of any of these within the next 4 weeks, that would be great.  I will bring the Wrap N Zap batting next week.

If you want to make any other items on the list and don’t have a pattern, email me and I will help you out.  Right now, we are low on large pieces of fabric, but I will bring some of our smaller pieces.  You might be able to piece some fun matches.


Show and Tell:

Carolyn Grasso made a Christmas Tree Wall Hanging 

and a book pattern tote.

Louise Stem made 3 pillow cases.

Ceal Pedersen showed 2 baby quilts, 

with the same fun backing.


I am looking at my file of patterns to see if three is something fun we can do for Halloween or Thanksgiving for ourselves.  I will send a separate email with the details.

See you next week.

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