Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Club Notes - August 23, 2023


We had a small group of 10 ladies today.  I think I scared a few of you away saying I might be late.  As it turned out, my appointment this morning went smoothly.  I was done by 11:30AM and at the rec center by 12:15PM.

I brought a light load this week – only the 3 boxes of 3.5 inch squares and a box of uncut white. The challenge for today was to match up sets of 9 squares to make 9 patch blocks.  Enough squares went out the door so we were able to reduce the 3 boxes to 2.  There was enough room on our shelf in the closet to leave the 2 boxes there, so they will be available for anyone who wants to continue this effort next week.

As a result of the email that I forwarded listing the items that the Sheriffs’ Youth Ranch would like, I got some questions about zipper bags.  We have a box of tougher fabric for zipper bags in the closet and a box of zippers.  A couple of the ladies looked through this fabric and took some to work on.

 Show and Tell: 

Bev Minnerly made some trivets, 

tote bags, 

and pillowcases.

Louise Stem made a set of microwave bowls, 

2 pillowcases, 

and finished another valance for her house.

Carolyn Grasso finished a set of mini-quilts.

Ceal Pedersen showed a quilt she finished.

Mic Pickard completed a vest from a panel in our donations

 and a tote.

Ellen Hein completed the binding on a bunch of small quilts I gave her.



Next week I plan to show how to make a folding fabric box.  More info on this will be sent in a separate email.

Hope to see you next week.

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