Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Nov 16, 2022 Club Update Addendum

This is an in-between meeting club update.  Mic dropped off the photos from the 11/16 meeting this afternoon so the show and tell notes will be later in this note.  First : a few member updates.

In case you haven't already heard, Audrey Philips husband passed away earlier this week.  I have sent a sympathy card from our club. If anyone else wants to send a card, the address is in my email.

Charlotte Cecillio is having physical therapy for the next 8 weeks, so we won't see her until January

I am slowly but steadily recovering from my back surgery.  I am off all pain meds and now just concentrating on physical therapy. Each day I can walk a little further so I am hopeful about getting to the Dec 7th meeting.

November 16th, 2022 Show and Tell:

Pat Pipa showed a bag, some blocks, and a utility holder.

Mary Ellen made some totes and a zipper bag.

Lorrain Manz made a veteran's quilt and a tote.

Ceal Pedersen made a couple of gingerbread men.

Eileen turned in 2 fabric squares.

Deb Chapman showed napkins and mug rugs.

Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving.


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