Thursday, November 10, 2022

Club Notes - November 9, 2022

 Here are the notes Mic sent me on last week's meeting:

We managed to make a dent in each of the boxes of 3.5 squares and Lorraine took home a large stack to try a new experiment with making a tote bag that uses the squares on both inside and outside.  If this works, we will have a way to really plow through those boxes.

As you'll see from the pics, several folks made red, white & blue projects.  I brought those boxes to the meeting, along with the box of white strips, and more of those made it out for projects :)  

The flannel that was supposed to be delivered was not there, but everyone took an opportunity to sort through the bags from your house and it's been recycled into the flats of smaller pieces and a few large ones.

Ceal took two bags full of fiber fill for cats she plans on making this coming week so we can now close the fiber fill box---YAY!!!

Show and Tell:

Ceal Pedersen - 2 quilts

Judy Mayer - Patriotic Quilt, 

and little zipper bags.

Mary Ellen Boutin, Patriotic Quilt blocks

Louise Stem, Quilt

Ellen Hein,


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