Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Club Notes - May 5, 2021


Eleven of our club members came out this afternoon.  We were happy to welcome Donna Rissman back out.  I will continue to stress that everyone who has come out to club meetings so far has received their COVID vaccinations, so we are able to meet without masks.  I encourage those of you who have not gotten vaccinated to please do so as soon as possible (with your doctor's OK).  

Although I cannot require this for meeting attendance per Villages rules, I want to stress that the sooner everyone is vaccinated, the sooner we can get back to normal activities. Over 106 million people or 32% of the total U.S. population have been vaccinated and the only serious side effects have been found with the Johnson and Johnson one-shot vaccine, and that has been very rare.  If you have a chance to get the Moderna or Phizier vaccines, those seem to be very safe.  Please don't just rely on the hype, do your own fact checking to find the truth.

Enough COVID talk.

Show and Tell:

Ceal Pedersen showed a blue 9-patch quilt she made for her granddaughter.

Eileen DiSanto showed a tote bags she has been working on using our sample fabric stash.

Deb Chapman  showed a tote she made with the Quilting Bees.

Audrey Phillips showed a tote bag using our sample fabric stash. another in progress, and a patriotic one she made a while back.


I did a demo this afternoon on paper piecing for a sunrise place mat.  We will continue this project next week as well.   Based on some questions  from this afternoon, I will send out a few notes in a separate email for this project, but in person demos seem to help best.

Hope to see you next week.


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