Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Club Notes - May 19, 2021


We had 15 ladies meeting this afternoon. Carolyn Grasso and Carol Thurston joined us for the first time in quite a while.  After show and tell, Ellen Hein gave a demonstration on how to make a zip-loc bag travel tote.  I'm guessing we will see a few of these in future weeks.

Show and Tell:

I am impressed with how many of the sunrise placemats came out finished this week.  

Audrey Philips, 

Bev Minnerly, 

Deb Chapman, 

and Pat Pipa


Donna Rissman showed hers last week, but I am putting the photo in again this week to show them all together. 

 I also showed the ones I finished.

Mic Pickard showed an applique quilt that was one of her UFOs and is now complete.

B.J. Herter showed a flannel baby's rag quilt she made.


Carolyn Grasso brought 2 stuffed bears she made.

Ceal Pedersen and Mic Pickard worked together on a patriotic dryer sheet quilt.  The back was cute too.


Ceal also brought a bag full of stuffed toys, some using our patterns and some that she made her own patterns for.

Donna Rissman made a couple of memory bears for a friend.

Ellen Hein made a doll blanket for her granddaughter and handed in a red quilt top.

Ellen also showed the latest completed quilts.   The first 4 are the finished versions of 4 large quilt tops we received from a local woman's estate.  The quilt tops were all hand pieced, I just added the batting and backing by machine and Ellen did the binding.


The last one is a patriotic quilt that Charlotte Cecillio handed in a few weeks ago.


I showed 4 drawstring backpacks that I made.

The rest of the afternoon bustled with activity.  I couldn't keep track of everything that was going on, since I was preoccupied with putting together a large (99x111) quilt back for the last of the estate quilts.  Quilting that and a few others will keep me busy over the next week.

I have begun creating a project schedule like we used to have before COVID.  The following is what we have planned for the next month.  I am committing to do one demo each month, Weeks that are shown with no project are available for anyone who would like to demo something for the group.  If there is no demo it will be a free sew week. 

2-Jun-21 Mug Rugs-Patriotic Lois Rose
9-Jun-21 Easy Binding Method Donna Rissman
16-Jun-21 5TH Anniversary Party
7-Jul-21 Fractured Art Lois Rose

We will always have supplies to make some of our charity projects, such as quilt tops, tote bags, zipper bags, backpacks, walker bags, pillowcases, and toys.  Maybe not everything every week, but I will bring whatever supplies are requested.
Next week is one of those free sew weeks, so let me know if there is something in particular you'd like to work with.

See you next week.

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