Sunday, May 3, 2020

Club Update - May 3, 2020

Another week of social distancing and isolation has gone by.  I really miss seeing you all.
The governor has loosened some of the restrictions but we cannot meet yet.  If you read last week's recreation news you may have seen the diagram of how rooms may be set up for clubs in the near future.  The diagram showed chairs for only one person for each 6 foot table.  Since our room is usually set up for 12 tables, with only 8 along the walls close to outlets, this poses a challenge for us.  I am thinking about ways we can adapt but will not make any decisions until we are actually allowed to meet and I can talk to the rec center staff.

Several clubs have set up virtual meetings online using Zoom.  We could do a show and tell meeting this way if there is any interest.   Let me know what you think..

In the mean time, our fun can still continue.  Ellen Hein, Sue Cambell, Bev Minnerly and I have been working on enhancing pillowcases for the Sheriff's Youth Ranch summer camps.  I don't know whether these camps will be held this summer, but if not, the pillowcases will be used next year.   We have been using a variety of methods to decorate these, some with colorful cuffs, others with appliques, and some with both. I have 8 dozen completed in hand and 4 dozen more that are complete or nearly complete that I need to collect.


Lynn K. has sent photos of some very cute American doll furniture that she made for a friend's granddaughter.


Pat Pipa delivered 11 zipper bags to Skip Bryant for the new kids coming in to  the Sheriff's Youth Ranch in the fall.

Ellen Hein continues to make masks on request and I have been giving her fabric for her efforts.

I have also continued to give bags of fabric to Laura Tomich for her church group.  They are making masks for several assisted living facilities.

Lu Karatzas is also making masks for friends and family.

Deb Chapman has a charity quilt in progress.

I gave the latest box of 10" squares to Deb McCuiston and she is putting a quilt together with these.

Van Hathaway dropped me a note.  She is still dealing with the same health issues that have prevented her from joining out meetings over the past year, but let me know she is still following our emails. 

Mary Kahlow dropped a bag at my door containing some dog bed scraps and a bunch of fabric already cut into 5" squares, saving me that effort.  Thank you Mary.

I continue to spend most of my time sorting through the backlog of donated fabric.  The boxes of cut squares continues to grow, as do the boxes containing sturdier fabric for zipper bags, draw-string backpacks, and dog beds.  To break up the routine, I have lain out 2 charity quilts so far.   The first one is together and currently on my machine for quilting.  The 2nd is on my design wall, waiting for me to sew it together.

This week I have also quilted an honor flight quilt Ellen made and sewn together 29 pair of patriotic dryer sheet blocks.  Maybe next weekend I can lay these out and see if a quilt emerges.  In the mean time there are still several boxes of fabric to be sorted and cut.

Please continue to email me to let us know how you are doing and what you are working on. As always, if you need something to keep you busy during this time of isolation, let me know and I will drop a bag at your door.  Zipper bags, draw string backpacks, stuffed toys, quilts or anything else you think we can donate to our charities.  If you don't want to make something big, how about taking some 3.5" squares and making 9 patch blocks which can be put together in a quilt later.  Just choose a color family and I will deliver.

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