Pat Pipa and Laura Tomich were waiting for me in their golf carts when I drove into the parking lot.
Pat brought me a dog bed and 20 masks for the Youth Ranch, and picked up some fabric.

We spent the first half hour chatting and catching up with each other. Then we started show and tell.
Carolyn started us off with 2 doggie beds. I gave her a bag full of supplies for pillowcases, zipper bags and backpacks to take home. She asked for help in laying out the fabric for a doggie coat pattern and Bev agreed to help her at the end of the meeting.

Bev has been working on clearing her UFOs. She finished a large stack of clothes for Giving Dolls,

made 6 fidget walker bags using up a bunch of odds and ends,

She also showed the mask she made substituting t-shirt fabric for the elastic. Bev said it is more comfortable around the ears, but you have to pick the right stretchy t-shirt fabric.

Ellen made a pink baby quilt and a patriotic one which will go to honor flight.

She also showed 2 Samba card holders, she made using 2 colors to separate the type of cards.

Charlotte gave me a completed red, white and blue dryer sheet quilt top 2 weeks ago. I backed and quilted it and gave it to Ellen to finish the binding. Here is the finished quilt.
I started by showing 2 baby quilts that B.J. Herter made. She made a stuffed dinosaur to go with each. We all thought this was a cute idea, and I had several other dinosaurs at home, so I pinned one to the baby quilt Ellen turned in as well.
Anne Knoff's friend Cindy Cooke left 2 sturdy large fabric bags full of a bunch of smaller bags at the rec center for us. I counted a total of 48 totes and zipper bags of various sizes that she made with fabric Anne gave her.

I have started making quilts from our donated supplies. Here are some that I made and quilted. Ellen has been doing the binding for me.

I am organizing as many quilt kits as I can over the next days or weeks. So far I have given 3 to Diana Gosselin to stitch together and have 5 more in bags ready to be stitched by anyone would would like to volunteer. I am working with 6.5 blocks and so far have a green one, a red one, a yellow one, a pink one and a blue one. In between I may still do some more cutting since I have several boxes of fabric I haven't gone through yet. These are simple rows of squares, nothing fancy, just easy ways to use the donated fabric and make quilts to be donated.
Tomorrow Ray and I planned to deliver 25 dog beds to the Humane Society of Lake County. I still had another 24 I was holding for a separate delivery and received 5 more this afternoon, so I'm going to add 3 more to the pile in my car, bringing tomorrow's deliver to 28.
The reporter who interviewed Ellen and me last week about the Youth Ranch donations called again and wanted to do an article on our work on the dog beds. She sent a photographer and a videographer to my house on Tuesday to take pictures of the pile of dog beds in the back of my van. The video is supposed to be shown on the Villages TV channel 2, but I don't know when. I guess they are short on news to write about.
I will give an accounting of all the finished items I am holding in a later post. There should be opportunities to deliver things again soon, but we are being cautious.
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