Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Club Notes - May 22, 2019

Thanks to everyone who came out this afternoon. We have 18 completed zipper bags for the Youth Ranch summer camp kids and several ladies took fabric home to make more.  Since each group of kids spends a week at the camp and there are camps throughout the summer, there can be as many as 1500 kids at these camps each summer.  Everyone of these kids does not need one of these bags for their toothbrush, comb, etc.,  but if we can make a bunch of these, It will help and be much better than zip lock bags.

Show and Tell:

Lu Karatzas showed that she finished 4 microwave bowls.

Ellen Hein finished 2 more fleece blankets and made 2 cute sun dresses for her granddaughter.

FYI, Ellen's 2 yr old granddaughter Sophie has been dealing with some serious medical issues since birth.  They have recently discovered that she was born without a fibula bone in her leg. She needs all our prayers as the doctors try to deal with this so she will someday be able to walk.

Donna Rissman showed a purse she made and asked for advise on making the zipper set correctly.

Carolyn  Grasso (one of our new members) showed a microwave bowl she made.

Laura Tomich showed her first attempt at making a simple backpack bag and asked for help on adding the straps.

I showed an Honor flight quilt I made from a patriotic panel and some dryer sheet blocks from our stash.


Ellen led the demo on how to make zipper bags.  We had plenty of sturdy fabric and zippers.  Each bag started with a piece of fabric 10" x 12", a 7" zipper, and scrap fabric for tabs on the ends of the zippers.  She also showed an easy way to square off the bottoms so the bag will stand.  This is a great use of some of the sturdy fabric we have in our stash.  I will have more of these supplies available next week for anyone who would like to make more of these.

Next week's project is Fidget Walker bags.  Helpertunity says they are very low on these, so it would help if we could make a few.  I will bring all the supplies needed, so all you need is your sewing machine.  If you can't bring a machine but are willing to do some hand sewing, you can sew some of the fidget items onto the bags.  For anyone who hasn't seen these, I will show you how to make these.

Hope to see you all next week.

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