We had a great turnout this week, actually had to pull out all 6 of our extension hubs.
Nita Hand is recovering well from her first knee replacement surgery. She is scheduled to have her other knee replaced on Dec. 11th and , if all goes well, hopes to be back with us in February.
The Villages has decided that quilt and sewing clubs should not use their own irons or ironing boards. They will supply approved equipment to each rec center. El Santiago will be getting these within the next few weeks. The Sheriff's Youth Ranch is going to have a program to teach girls at the ranches to sew, so I will be giving the ironing boards and irons we have to them.
Show and Tell.

Mic Pickard was busy. She made a holder for her embroidery hoops, a duffel bag and a set of ice cream pint holders for a friend.

(She's having fun with her new embroidery machine.)
demo next fall)

Eileen DiSanto showed 2 quilts.

She also finished 12 Star Wars themed place mats for the Sheriff's youth ranch.

Ellen Hein made 2 sleep sacks for her grand children and a pair of pajama pants to go with a pajama top she received.
Pat Pipa showed a quilt she made from blocks and r club donated to our club. This quilt is going to the Panhandle.

Over the past few months I have been working on a quilt for my great-niece. She is a music teacher, a book worm, and a cat lover, so all those elements are included in the quilt.
B.J. gave a great demo on making a snowman pillow. I saw a lot of ladies working on variations of this project and am looking forward to seeing the results. .
Those not working on demos helped me go through the 5 bags of fabric we received from the 4H club's excess. We separated the fabric into large, potential backings, under 2 yd pieces for pillow cases, flannels, and small pieces to be cut into blocks.
Next week the 4H club will be giving me batting that they don't need. I don't know how much but it may be a lot. I also received a donated queen size batting this week and we still have much of our latest bolt of 90" wide batting, so we are in good shape for batting.
Next week is charity project week and Lynn will be showing us how to make a quick checkerboard quilt. I will send out supply requirements in a separate email.