On that note, I'm going to be sending out a survey in a separate email to determine how many members plan to bring there sewing machines and how many just come for the demos and do the projects at home. This will give me a better idea of whether or not we would have enough electrical outlets and space if all 50 members decided to show up at once

Also, I know we have a few paid members who have only come once or twice. If this is just due to travel, or other temporary issues, no problem. However, if there are any members who don't think they would be able to come more than a few times a year and who wouldn't be bringing their sewing machines in any case, please let me know. I can refund your $10, keep you on the mailing list, and welcome you as an "observing" auxilliary member. That would free up a spot for someone on the wait list.
In other news, here is a list of announcements I made this week:
- We received a thank you letter from the Ocala Domestic Violence and Sexual assault Shelter. I read it to the group, but I've also attached a copy to this email, along with a copy of their wish list. A black and red shopping bag is set up on the donation table each week, to collect any items you wish to donate.
- Linda Lynch found out that the Lady Lake Elementary school accepts Box Tops to Education as well as the can pop tops. If you have any you can place them in the green-topped container as well.
- We have a couple more of the Hospice center blocks if anyone would like to make a red, white and blue quilt for the families of 20 yr military veterans. These quilts should only be about 36-40 inches square and can be very simple, so let me know if you want to make one. I will actually be able to make 2 of them from the patriotic dryer sheet blocks that were turned in. I will always get 5 more blocks when I turn in 5 quilts, since they need an ongoing supply.
-There is a gigantic estate sale coming up in October. I will send a separate email on that.
Show and Tell:
Pat Pipa brought in several walker bags she made for the Ocala Oaks Rehab center. I am waiting until I get at least a dozen of these and will then deliver them, along with some fidget quilts.
Lu Karatzas showed her completed 60 degree table runner and a great fishing themed fidget quilt.
Eileen Navikas brought a great fidget quilt with a rooster in the center.
Susan Morris showed her lovely completed 60 degree table runner.
Bev Minnerly brought a different design walker bag and a fidget quilt.
Jane Swafford showed a Mickey Mouse pillowcase.
Kathy Jones brought a fidget quilt and a cat hammock she made from one of my demo fractured art pieces. (I love it when these odd samples wind up in something useful!)
One of our new members, Laura Tomich, showed a wine bottle caddy and a purse she made. Note: she did not have the bottle caddy pattern, she just looked at the ones shown last week and made it up. We know she will be a great addition to our club.
I showed a fidget quilt, a set of placemats I made on my embroidery machine, and my latest quilt from the 2015 row by row kits.
Beach Theme Row by Row Quilt |
I had fun with the Fruit Bottom ladies fabric on back and between the rows on front. |
I also showed the work-in-progress quilt made from the first set of drier sheet blocks. We have enough to make 2 twin quilts and 2 Hospice quilts so far. We'll include a photo of those when they are done.
Marty Rhyne did a great job leading our demo today on how to make a microwave potato bag. I attached the pattern to this week's email, including the instruction insert so you can make more and print out the use instructions if you give them as gifts. I didn't get a chance to make mine until today, but I do have one hint to add. If you have a walking foot, you probably want to use it on this project, especially during the last stitches around the sides, since you will be sewing through 6 layers of fabric and batting.
After the main demo, I showed some of the ladies who missed it or wanted a refresher, how to create the 60 degree table runner. Some of the fabrics they brought in were challenging, but all were doable and I'm sure they will come out beautiful.
Also thanks to B.J. for helping me cut up some non-cotton fabric strips for doggie beds, and to Nita for helping me sort another bag of scraps into strips, blocks, and doggie bed scraps. I am always amazed by how much good, usable fabric we get in bags marked as doggie bed scraps. We probably have enough strips for a half dozen more quilts at least, plus enough blocks to make one or two.
We also got 2 donations of heavier fabrics this week, great for walker/wheelchair caddies and dog beds.
Next week's project is fabric pumpkins. Just to make it easier, I will send out a note on this separate.
Have a great week everyone.
Lois Rose, Sewing N More Club Leader
P.S. If you call me, please always leave a message. I may be there, I just don't answer the phone until I hear a voice and know the person on the other end.
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