Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Club Notes - June 14, 2023

There were 10 of us this afternoon.  Mic brought the large fabric bins. I sorted through a boc of donated fabric that came in a few weeks ago, pulled out the small pieces, and brought the larger pieces for today’s project.  After everyone selected the fabric they want to work with, the remaining fabric was merged into the bins.

El Santiago Rec center will be closed for maintenance again June 28th, so we won’t have a meeting that week.  We will still meet next week – June 21st.

Show and Tell:

Mic Pickard finished some placemats that showed up in one of our donation piles partially done.

Deb Chapman made a patriotic hat 

for the lion staue in her front yard.

Diane Placek made a bunch of hex coasters.

Eileen DiSanto made a bunch of hex trivets and a pillowcase.

Pat Pipa made 3 hex trivets.

Carol Riggs embroidered a towel for a friend’s first hole-in-one.


After show and tell I showed my adaptation of the Runaround bag, which I’m calling the Fun Fat Quarter bag.  Everyone had fun selecting fabric and getting started making one of these.  In listening to everyone work, I found one more clarification I needed to add to the instruction, so I’m attaching what I hope will be a final version, complete with pictures.

Next week I am going to show another bag design.  This one is called the Noriko bag.  It only requires a  ½ yard for the outside and ½ yard for the lining, a button and some ribbon.  It does not require stabilizer or a zipper.  I plan to make one over the weekend to make sure it is as easy as it looks.


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