Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Club Notes - September 7, 2022

There were only 9 of us this afternoon, but lots of activity.  I guess some are still away for the Labor Day holiday. I brought 2 boxes of random fabric strips, which a couple of ladies decided to sort by color and size. They did such a great job that I came home with one box instead of 2.

Mic also brought 4 bins of larger fabric pieces and I brought a box of fabric to add to these.  I also brought the new box of fiber fill.

Thanks to that sorting that was done last week I was able to cut 80% of that fabric into squares or strips this past week.  We are getting more organized so the fabric we have is more easily selected for use. 

The craft sale date is creeping up on us.  Oct 8th is only 4 weeks away.  I have submitted a request for a 2nd table so we will have plenty of room to display our items.  We will be selecting some quilts to sell as well as the other items we have been making.  We also have 3 vintage quilt tops that we will offer for sale.

We could still use some more help at the sale, particularly between noon and 2pm.  This should be an easy time, since it is the end of the scheduled sale time.  If you can spend an hour or 2 to help, I would greatly appreciate it.

I’d like to remind everyone that safe sewing and cutting habits are important.  When you use a rotary cutter, please make sure to close the blade every time you set it down.  If you make a habit of this, it will eventually become second nature and will prevent the next person who picks it up from getting hurt.

Ann Knoff told us about some self-closing rotary cutters, so I am going to purchase some of these to replace the ones we have.

Show and Tell:

Ceal Pedersen showed a quilt top she made from some of our 10” squares.  She said she will do a demo on how to make these easy blocks in the near future.

Deb Chapman has been working on a  row of the month quilt with The Bees and today she showed the finished quilt top.

Ellen Hein brought back a bunch of quilts that she completed the binding on. 

Mary Ellen Boutin made this quilt top.
Carolyn Grasso made this one
B.J. Herter made this one.

I did the next 3.

Ellen also handed in in a fleece blanket with an Army motif,

 another quilt top she made,

 and showed one she is working on for her grandson

Louise Stem finished another set of microwave bowls.

B.J. Herter showed a little stork for an expectant mother 

and a wall hanging for her daughter’s new house.

Bev Minnerly made 2 walker bags.

Carolyn Grasso couldn’t stay for the meeting, but she dropped off 2 dolls she made.

For today’s demo I showed how to make a clutch purse from a fat quarter.  This is a pattern I developed after looking at some other more complex ones.  The instruction I came up with is attached to the email.

As many of you know, I cut the fabric scraps we get into squares and strips.  I have dies to cut fabric into 3.5”, 4.5”, 5”, 6.5”, 8.5” and 10” squares.  In future weeks I will bring in boxes of these, but only one size at a time. I also have dies to cut 1.5”, 2.5”, and 3.5” strips.  I often cut much of the white fabric into 1.5” or 2.5” strips for use as sashing.  If you can use any of thatm, let me know.

Next week I plan to repeat a project we have done before, but which you will find very useful,  It is a project carrier, a way to organize the fabric and pattern for each of your projects.  I have several of these and now find I could use another, smaller one.  I will send out the requirements in a later email.

Hope to see you next week.



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