Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Club Notes - November 20, 2019

I love this time of year.  Each week our numbers increase as friends return from summer travels north.   Today we had 2 returning members, Laura Paulk and Lorraine Manz.  We also got a new member as Aileen Lee officially joined our club.  We may have another new member next time since visitor Connie Poduska said she liked our group and is interested in joining.

REMINDER- No Meeting next week.  Everyone will be busy getting ready for Thanksgiving.  I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday with family and friends.  Our next meeting will be December 4th.  I will be bringing a couple of different patterns for Christmas/Winter Mug Rugs and Place Mats.  I'll send details in a later email.

Speaking of meeting schedules, I received a call from the Recreation Facility schedulers at Savannah saying that they made a mistake on our permit in giving us every week during the winter months.  We are back to having a room only on some Wednesdays during January, February and March.  In March, for some reason, we only have the room for one  meeting. We go back to normal schedule in April.   For those who are new, note the room change over the winter.

27-Nov-19 No Meeting El Santiago, Hula Lounge
04-Dec-19 Christmas Mug Rugs El Santiago, Hula Lounge
11-Dec-19 Holiday Pot Luck El Santiago, Hula Lounge
18-Dec-19 Christmas Place Mats El Santiago, Hula Lounge
25-Dec-19 No Meeting  
01-Jan-20 No Meeting  
08-Jan-20 No Meeting  
15-Jan-20 Charity-Hospice Quilts El Santiago, Beach Club
29-Jan-20 Pinning a Quilt when you have a small table El Santiago, Beach Club
05-Feb-20   El Santiago, Beach Club
19-Feb-20 Towel Scarf El Santiago, Beach Club
04-Mar-20   El Santiago, Beach Club
01-Apr-20   El Santiago, Hula Lounge

Show and Tell:

Bev Minnerly showed the folded Christmas tree napkins she made.

Mic Pickard made some placemats.

Laura Paulk showed an expandable beach bag she made.  (We're hoping for a demo of this.)

Pat Pipa showed a no-sew fabric ornament she learned to make at the Alamanda quilt club meeting on Tuesday.  This is using the Japanese Kimikomi method.  

New member Aileen Lee has gotten off to a great start.  She took our cat hammock pattern and came with 4 sturdy, well made cat hammocks.

Carole Lamb was busy making items for a new grandbaby - a fox themed blanket for the dad and a crib sheet for baby.

She also showed a Publix bag that a friend enhanced with some lovely embroidery.

Kiki Mitracos made several drawstring bags for the Ocala shelter.

  She also made a phone purse and a fabric photo frame for a woman who called me asking if someone could make items for her daughter out of her late husband's ties.

Brenda Severa showed a Halloween table runner she made.

B.J. came with a bag full of items she has been working on during the year.  
She showed her Christmas Tree wall hanging, 

a pillow that Ann Knoff embroidered for her, 

and 2 quilts for her grandson

and granddaughter.

Lu Karatzas turned her collage butterfly and fish into pillows to match the quilts she made for her family's soon-to-be restored camp house.

Judy Mayer took some of our orphan blocks and made 5 zipper bags for the Sheriff's Youth Ranch kids

Eileen DiSanto made a cute stuffed dinosaur.

Donna Rissman made turkey earrings out of buttons.

I showed a quilt that was a collaborative effort.  Jane Swafford made a pile of blocks and her sister Sue Campbell gave them to Pat Pipa.  Pat turned them into a lovely quilt top.  I added the backing and quilted it.  

I made a couple more drawstring backpacks and 2 mug rugs in the shape of Christmas Stockings.


Today Kiki explained how to make yo-yos and put several sizes together to make a lovely fabric flower.  

I brought lots of fabric to choose from this afternoon for whatever charity project attendees wished to make.  A couple of ladies dived into the box of cut squares I brought and designed a lovely pink quilt, which I took home to sew together. Little by little we are working though the box of 6-6.5 inch blocks.  Maybe next time I'll bring a box of one of the other sizes.

Don't forget, we will need a couple of nice twin size quilts to give to the Sheriff's Ranch graduates in May.  I have a couple set aside now, but we expect around 7 graduates and we'd like to have something for each of them.  Most are usually boys,

Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  See you on Dec 4th.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Club Notes - Nov 13, 2019

This afternoon's meeting was full of the unexpected. It started with 3 people from the Daily Sun coming it to see what we are about.  Unfortunately, they were not planning to stay long and had to leave before we officially started the meeting.

Donna Rissman was scheduled to give today's demo, but she called me to say she had a flat tire.  In case she couldn't make it, I brought several boxes of fabric for charity projects and we started with that alternate plan.  Luckily, AAA arrived earlier than she expected and she was able to make it to show us how to make the mat carrier/ironing pad.   The instructions are attached to my email.  The dimensions are for a 24' X 18" mat, but you can make it the size of the mat you want to carry.  You can also put a ruler inside and this will make it firmer. 

We had a new prospective member named Eileen checking us out.  She was looking for a place to use her sewing for charity.  I think she will be back. 

During the last half of our meeting time a couple of plumbers came in to fix a slow draining sink.  I don't know what was in the drains, but it did smell awful for a while. I hope the fix is permanent.

Show and Tell:

Pat Pipa completed her collage of a dog.

Eileen DiSanto made 4 stuffed animals.

Carol Lamb also made stuffed animals. She also showed 3 baby quilts she donated.

Charlotte made stuffed animals. She also made some draw-string back-packs out of a tablecloth she no longer needs.

Carol Riggs showed a ruler bag she made.

Ellen Hein showed a couple of vinyl bags she made.

Kiki Mitracos made a lovely large bag to be donated and a smaller black and white bag for herself. 

Ann Knoff finished the 2 Christmas stockings I brought in last week with a lovely furry cuff.  (I rewarded her with a couple more I found.)

I showed my finished butterfly collage and a quilt that several club members helped me design with our 6 inch blocks a few weeks ago.


Next week was planned to be a charity workshop, so I will bring much of the same supplies again next week.  There are a couple of ladies who said they would like to know how to make the dryer sheet blocks and how to make pillowcases with our hotdog pattern.  I will show these if anyone is interested.

Kiki will also give us a demo on how to make the yo-yo flowers she has been showing us.

See you next week.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Club Notes - Nov 6th, 2019

I can tell it's autumn. The number of attendees at our meetings is increasing each week as our friends come back from their summer travels.  It was a fun afternoon.

I had a couple of announcements today.  Last Saturday I worked at the Florida State Parks table for Government Day, as a Silver Springs State Park volunteer. Before the event began I was able to visit tables in the Marion county and Sumter county rooms.   In the past I told everyone about the Sumter county program where you put your important medical info in a pill bottle in the refrigerator and put a sticker on your front window to let 911 responders know to look in the refrigerator.  When I talked about it last time, several ladies who live in Marion county told us that Marion county responders didn't honor that.  Well, on Saturday I found out that Marion county has their own system.  It involves a red magnetic pocket that you put on the side of your refrigerator.  A paper with the pertinent medical info goes in the pocket.  Any of you who live in Marion county can get one of these from the Marion county sheriff's office.  I picked up a couple at the event and have one left that I will give to the first person who asks me next week.

The other item I mentioned was that I found out about the Happy Harvest quilt shop hop that will run from Nov 22 - Dec 7th.  I've attached the flyer.  I am going to plan a day trip to get to as many of the shops as I can, and can fit 5 more in my van.  I will be sending out a separate email with the date and times along with an invite for anyone who wants to go along.

Eileen DiSanto told the group that the brick that was purchased in her husband's memory will be dedicated on Veteran's Day, at 10AM in Veterans' Memorial Park. She invited anyone who could to come.

Show and Tell:

Mic Pickard was busy making a bunch of cuddly red bears. Sue Campbell helped her do the final stuffing and turned in 9 bears.

Lu Karatzas did some crocheting and turned in some nice crocheted tote bags.
She also modeled a lovely jacket that Kiki Mitraco made and gave to Lu when she admired it.

Pat Pipa came with 2 stuffed scrappy bunnies.

 Marty Rhyne and Alice Meunier attended a serger class at The Sewing Studio of Lady Lake and made a lovely table centerpiece.

Donna Rissman showed the Autumn border fabric table runner she finished.

Bev Minnerly turned in a dog bed and showed the hanging kitchen towel she finished from her UFO pile.

Ellen Hein made one of her wonderful fleece blankets.  This one is a special order for her granddaughter.

Kiki Mitraco made 4 potholders from fabric scraps and a yo-yo flower.  She gave a brief explanation of how these are made to the group.

I showed a finished Honor Flight quilt.  Too bad Charlotte Cecilio couldn't be at today's meeting - She made most of the blocks for this quilt and helped put the final design together.  Ann Korff sewed the sets of 4 matching dryer sheet blocks together and handed them off to me.  All I had to do was add sashing and finish the quilt.


B.J. Herter gave today's demo on how to make a collage design from a basic shape of your choice and little scraps of fabric.  I will send out the directions in a separate email, since I still have to copy them.

After the demo several ladies helped me sort the box of fabric strips by color family. We now have most of our strips organized.  Besides dryer sheet blocks, a suggestion was made that we make some strip race quilts.  I will talk about this, probably at the Nov 20th meeting.

Next week Donna Rissman will show us how to make a duel purpose Mat carrier/Ironing Pad bag.  I'll send that info out in a separate email as well.

Have a great week.  See you next Wednesday.