Show and Tell:
Donna Risman showed one of the gnomes she made for the upcoming Tamarind Grove craft sale (see attached). She has a bunch of really cute things that will be for sale on Sunday.

Bev Minnerly showed another set of Orioles fabric P.J.'s she made for her granddaughter and a bunch of doll clothes for Giving Dolls.
Ellen Hein showed a quilt top she made from a stack of squares from our club stash. Beautiful work.
Lynn Klucynski reported that she has delivered 57 pillowcases to the Sheriff's Youth Camp and they now have more than enough. They have filled 40 welcome kits and the rest are in reserve. Lynn said they were very surprised by how many we were able to supply in such a short time.
Marti Rhyne told us about a sleep snuggie she made for her grandson with a gathered tie bottom.. Sorry - no picture since it has already been delivered.
I spent the afternoon sewing labels on our Cornerstone Hospice Quilts. I lost count, but I think we now have about 25 completed. I plan to contact Paul Farineau and ask if he would like to pick up what we have so far next week.
Project Schedule Change:
The new schedule is:
06-Dec-17 Charity Projects - Fidget Walker Bags Lois Rose
13-Dec-17 Mesh Bag Donna Rissman
20-Dec-17 Christmas Pot-Luck
27-Dec-17 NO Meeting
03-Jan-18 Mondo / Midi Bags Lois Rose (Let me know if you need the interfacing and if so, which size bag you want to make by 12/6.)
10-Jan-18 Crochet Party Lois Rose
17-Jan-18 Charity Projects- Pillow Cases Lois Rose
I have a schedule conflict on Dec 13th, so I will not be able to lead the meeting that day. I am hoping someone will volunteer to lead the meeting that day. This only involves making sure everything gets put back in the closet where it belongs, and not imposing on any other group's space.If you can be at the 12/13 meeting and are willing to do this, please let me know. If no one volunteers for this, the meeting will be a sit and sew without access to anything in the closet.
Hope to see you next week.