A lot of you must be celebrating summer because we had a very light turnout today. Those of us who did come had a good time though. Pat Pipa gave a great demo on how to turn a cotton clothesline and some fabric strips into a beautiful bowl. This is an easy project, but not a quick one. I worked on mine for about an hour this afternoon and didn't quite finish the flat base. I expect to see a few of these come back for show and tell, but it may take a few weeks.
Thanks to the ladies who sorted through the fabric strips I brought this week. We now have a bunch of fabric strips separated by color, so anyone who wants to sew dryer sheet blocks will have an easier time finding the colors they want.
1. Speaking of fabric strips, this was one of the announcements I made today. Until we get our donated fabric into a manageable state of organization, I plan to bring a box in each week. Anyone not working on anything else is invited to dive into the box and sort the contents. The end result (I hope) will be organized supplies so we can find what we need for any given project without driving ourselves crazy in the process. I have a spot to store the sorted fabric strips at the rec center, so these will be available for use in dryer sheet blocks every week.
2. I received a suggestion for continuing the 50/50 drawings each week and using the funds generated to buy supplies for charity projects. We get a lot of donations that are good for fidget quilts, doggie beds, cat hammocks, and scrappy quilts, but some projects need larger pieces. Pillow cases, quilt backings, backpacks, and stuffed toys are some examples. Some of us are able to purchase and donate fabric for these items, but not everyone can. Those at today's meeting all agreed that this is a good way to get supplemental supplies. We started this today and the winner kindly donated back her winnings, so we have $20 to start this fund. We will discuss what to spend this on as needed.
3. A second suggestion I received was to focus our charity project days a little better. We will set a specific charity project of the month and only bring supplies that support that project. This will save me from carting in everything in my storage every month and allow us to focus on one project at a time. At first the supplies may not always be well separated, but I will do my best to bring what we need. As we sort the supplies (as I talked about above), this will get easier. The next charity workshop (July 12) we will work on quilt blocks, either dryer sheet blocks or precut squares. After that I will ask for a vote. The other options so far are: fidget quilts, pillowcases, stuffed toys, backpacks, or walker bags. (Did I miss anything??) The current list is of 6 projects. That gives us 2 times a year to work on each one. Your feedback on this plan is encouraged. I am open to suggestions always.
Show and Tell:

This was definitely placemat day. Eileen DiSanto showed her finished 4-way placemat with all CHristmas fabrics, to be donated to Project Homebound.

Next week is our Summer Pot Luck. Bring a dish of your choice (main, salad or dessert) if you can. If you can't no worries, there will be plenty of food to go around. I will supply ice tea, paper plates, etc. and games. We will have a couple of different games plus a fun Bingo. Bring 25 pennies or buttons to use as markers. Carol Riggs has purchased prizes with our 50/50 funds. Even I don't know what she got, so it will be fun for all.
Hope to see a good turnout for the party.
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