I started with a couple of announcements.
April 10th, Noon - 3PM - Craft Fair for Busy Hands, Happy Hearts, at Coconut Cove rec center.
The proceeds benefit nursing homes in the area, assisted Living, Boggy Creek Camp, hospice, the homeless and hospitals.
April 12th, Noon - 3PM Vendor sale at Carol Riggs' house, 3171 Southern Trace, to benefit Case for Smiles. I will send more info on this is a separate email.
The woman who was going to take donations to MD Anderson Cancer center sent her apologies. She has to fly to the hospital instead of driving and won't be ble to take the items. We will find other places to donate the 4 quilts and 2 neck pillows we have.
I took the rest of the pop=tops we collected to the Villages Elementary school of Lady Lake last Friday. There was an article in the Daily Sun saying they needed to have all donations by April 3rd. SO now we are starting again, collecting pop tops and box tops for next year.
Show and Tell:
Lu Karatzas started us off by showing her latest fidget quilt.

Since our project this week involved chenille, she also showed a wall hanging her friend Norma Shwartz made using several identical layered panels.
Brenda Severa showed a quilt she is working on. This was her first attempt to use her embroidery machine to quilt .
Marty Rhyme shared that she is expecting her first grandson on October 1st. She also talked a little about her recent diving trip to Fiji.
Eileen Navikas made a quilt top with her scraps and dryer sheets. (She gave it to me to finish sandwiching and quilting.)

Ellen Hein made 4 pillowcases for the Ocala shelter and a pair of pants to match the top she showed last week, for her granddaughter-to-be.
Donna Rissman showed a cute carrot candy holder. We agreed this can be a future project, possibly as a witches hat for Halloween.
Our newest member, Charlotte Cecilio, showed an adorable door stop she made by wrapping fabric and lace around a brick to make a little teddy bear bed.
I showed our latest group project, another quilt made from dryer sheet blocks that I finished.
Kathy Jones led our Faux Chenille bunny project this week. She even arranged to take the chenille fabric to a local friend's house during the meeting so they could be fluffed in a dryer. It will be fun to see a herd of rabbits come back in 2 weeks.
Next week is scheduled as another charity workshop week. Since the Case for Smiles event is scheduled on the same afternoon, we are going to run next week's meeting a little different, to give you all a chance to participate in both our meeting and the charity event if you wish. So that no one will miss anything, we will NOT have show and tell next week. I ask you to hold your show and tell items until the April 19th meeting.
I will bring materials for dryer sheet blocks, precut blocks for charity quilts, dog bed sleeve fabric, and a small amount of items for fidget quilts. You can work on any of these items or just sew your own project.
Since we won't have show and tell, there won't be any set time for you to arrive or leave. That will give you the option of stopping at the Case for Smiles charity event on your way to our club or on your way home, if you wish to support that event. I encourage you to take a little time to support this event.
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