I started today's meeting with a few announcements. In case you missed my prior emails, here's a recap:
Events this week:
- We have been invited to go to a sewing supplies garage sale a day before it is advertised to the public. 7-8 of us will be carpooling to go Thursday morning.
- Friday Sharky's is having a St. Patrick's Day end of bolt sale.30% off if you purchase everything left on a bolt. If you find a shamrock at the end of the bolt you get another 10% off.
-Saturday the Quilt Guild is having it's "Quilters Closet" sale at Savannah, ,8:30am-noon.
We have also received an invitation from OPIS Bayview Center in Tavares to attend a volunteer appreciation luncheon on April 25th at the Florida Elks Lodge, 2540 Dora Ave, Tavares . This is a thank you for the Fidget quilts we have supplied them with. If anyone is interested in going to represent our club, let me know asap, since I need to send an RSVP by April 7th.
I also mentioned the email I received asking if anyone would be willing to make items for cancer patients at the MD Anderson hospital. I've included the list below. If you do decide to make any of these items, they need to be turned it by our April 5th meeting.
-Saturday the Quilt Guild is having it's "Quilters Closet" sale at Savannah, ,8:30am-noon.
We have also received an invitation from OPIS Bayview Center in Tavares to attend a volunteer appreciation luncheon on April 25th at the Florida Elks Lodge, 2540 Dora Ave, Tavares . This is a thank you for the Fidget quilts we have supplied them with. If anyone is interested in going to represent our club, let me know asap, since I need to send an RSVP by April 7th saying how many will attend.
I also mentioned the email I received asking if anyone would be willing to make items for cancer patients at the MD Anderson hospital. I've included the list below. If you do decide to make any of these items, they need to be turned it by our April 5th meeting.
Soft fabrics and “Simply Soft” yarns are best suited for MD Anderson’s patients.
- Pillows - neck or heart-shaped
- Pillows - rectangular: approximate size 10 x 12 inches
- Quilts: approximate size 46 x 46 inches
- Hand-tied lap blankets: approximate size 46 x 46 inches
- Crocheted or knitted throws: approximate size 46 x 46 inches
- Crocheted or knitted shawls
- Crocheted or knitted caps - adult sizes accepted
Show and Tell:
Carol Riggs started us off with her story of how a trip to Joann's turned into a job for her to make pillows for a lady she met there. She also showed 2 t-shirts she embroidered as she learns to use her embroidery machine.

Kathy Jones and Joan Tillinger showed the string art pieces they completed.
Kathy also made a fidget quilt.

Mary Nazgiewicz sewed up a bunch of dog bed sleeves for us and filled several dog beds as well.

Ellen Hein showed 2 fidget quilts she finished.

Ellen is expecting a granddaughter in June, so she has been busy making baby clothes. She showed the ones she hasn't sent home with the expectant parents yet.

Donna Rissman did a quick demo on how to make a shamrock our of a square piece of fabric. It is not sewn so the shamrock can be put next to a dinner place setting and used as a napkin once it is unfolded.
Suzanne Brown showed an embroidered DREAM wall hanging.

I made a fidget quilt, an iron caddy for our club irons, and a Cornerstone Hospice quilt.
After Show and Tell Suzanne showed us how to make fairy dolls from pipe cleaners, specialty threads, fabric, and anything else we might want to decorate them with. It was a lot of fun.
Our next meeting is March 29th, and that is the last time we will meet in the Beach Club room. Starting April 5th we will be back in the Hula Lounge room and meeting every week from then on to the end of the year.
Several people have been asking for the projects schedule. Here is what we have scheduled so far: You may notice I scheduled a Summer Pot Luck at the end of June. I thought it would be fun to have a summer party. I'd like to start the week;y 50-50 at the next meeting to raise money to buy game prizes. We can do a bingo again with a summer theme. If anyone has any other ideas for games, please let me know.
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