Show and Tell:
Bev Minnerly started us off showing 2 kitchen towel hangers she made.

Donna Rissman showed a Christmas Minions mesh bag and a cute dachshund pillow.

Audrey Phillips showed the Olaf (Frozen) comforters she made for her great-grandchildren.
She also showed some ornaments her daughter Lynn made at ne of the Sewing Studio events.
I showed the mesh bag I finished using a strange Roses and Skulls fat quarter I had in my stash (and didn't know what to do with). I will probably save this bag for Halloween, but it was great to learn the process.
After bowling we played Holiday Bingo, Lois style. I think everyone had fun, and I still have a few prizes left for the next pot-luck party.
There is no meeting next week, since it is the week between Christmas and New Years Eve, and so many are away or have family visiting. Our next meeting is January 3rd, when we will be showing how to make the QuiltSmart midi bag. If anyone is interested in making it but did not sign up, I ordered a couple extra interface panels. They are $4 each.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
See you next year.
I showed the mesh bag I finished using a strange Roses and Skulls fat quarter I had in my stash (and didn't know what to do with). I will probably save this bag for Halloween, but it was great to learn the process.
We had the perfect number of people for 4 bowling teams, so we played a full 10 frames of table bowling. I think some of the tables are warped, since the balls on some curved always to the sides, while one team managed great scores. It was fun and I plan to keep this in the game mix, but maybe make some improvements to the setup for the next time, based on today's experience.
After bowling we played Holiday Bingo, Lois style. I think everyone had fun, and I still have a few prizes left for the next pot-luck party.
There is no meeting next week, since it is the week between Christmas and New Years Eve, and so many are away or have family visiting. Our next meeting is January 3rd, when we will be showing how to make the QuiltSmart midi bag. If anyone is interested in making it but did not sign up, I ordered a couple extra interface panels. They are $4 each.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
See you next year.