I started with a few announcements, as always. We have a first aid now and it is located in the top drawer of the little plastic cabinet we have by the ladder, on the right as you enter the storage closet. I hope you will all stay safe and no one will need it, but it's good for everyone to know where it is, just in case.
I got an email this morning saying that the estate sale I went to 2 weeks ago still has so much left that they are having another sale Oct 21-22. Address is 5803 County Road 552, Bushnell, FL . Hours 9am-5pm. When I was there the last day of the previous sale, there was still a lot of fabric, especially fat quarters, but yardage as well. If you have the time it's worth the drive,
Show and Tell
Laura Tomich has dived into our projects with both feet! She came with 4 more walker bags and left with supplies to make a fidget quilt while she is away over the next couple of weeks.
Jane Swafford showed her finished fabric pumpkin.

Donna Rissman showed her special take on the fabric pumpkin, with a real stem.
She also showed Candy Corn placemats, a BOO letter art wall hanging, and a cute purse.
Mary Nazgiewicz showed a folded fabric wreath she picked up at the craft show. She thought we could do a demo on this in the future. Donna RIssman said she could teach it, so we will schedule this for the Spring.
Lu Karatzas took our pumpkin applique project in a different direction and appliqued a shirt for herself.
Raeann Piracci, only joined our club last week, but she has already joined our charity efforts and came with 3 walker bags.
Eileen DiSanto showed the 1-hour basket she made at the Alamanda Quilt Chapter Tuesday. The chapter has picked this and 2 other projects as this year's fund-raisers. This is another easy project and we will do a demo on this next year as well.
Bev Minnerly continued her wonderful productivity and came with 8 walker bags.
Linda Parr was inspired by Susan Morris' thread catcher last week, so she made one for herself. I think we should schedule this as another project for next year.
I showed a baby quilt I picked up at the estate sale 2 weeks ago. It was sandwiched and pinned when I bought it so I only had to add some easy quilting and binding.
I also showed the first of the completed Hospice quilts made from our red, white and blue dryer sheet blocks. I have another waiting for me to quilt it and enough blocks for 1, maybe 2 more.
I also showed the first of the completed Hospice quilts made from our red, white and blue dryer sheet blocks. I have another waiting for me to quilt it and enough blocks for 1, maybe 2 more.
After show and tell we dived into all the boxes of supplies I dragged out of storage for our charity work. Many thanks to Kathy Nichols for undertaking the effort to put some order to the supply chaos. I made an attempt to sort quilt squares by size in the hope that maybe we can get a quilt out of them eventually.
While we worked, Joan Testa of the Villages Homeowners Association came to accept the 2 quilts we have made from dryer sheets and scraps of fabric. She was very happy to receive these quilts for the Country Western Hoedown they are planning for February at the Polo Field. The quilts will be auctioned and the proceeds will go to Helping Hands.
Next week is our Halloween party. No projects, just fun. I will send out a reminder in a few days, along with a revised project schedule.
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