Thursday, December 15, 2022

Club Notes - December 14, 2022

Thank you all for the Christmas Card and gift.  It is wonderful to know that the things I do are so appreciated.  Not that that would influence me one way or the other.  I love running the club, making new friends, and making things for charitable organizations in our area.  Since I retired and learned to sew it has become my passion.

 It seems there was a small group at this week’s meeting.  So close to Christmas, that was to be expected.

Show and Tell:

Ceal Pedersen has taken up the zipper bag challenge and made a bunch of them.

Lorraine Manz made 2 quilt tops.

Ellen Hein made a bunch of Christmas gift bags.


Our next meeting will be our welcome to 2023 potluck party on January 4th.  I will send a reminder email a few days before the party.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

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