Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Club Notes - October 5, 2022

Last week we had to cancel our meeting due to the threat of Hurricane Ian.  Luckily, we only got a lot of rain and some wind.  Our prayers go to the people living south of here where the hurricane devastated many communities.

Our snowbird friends are starting to return.   There were 21 ladies attending this  afternoon’s meeting. Carol Bryan (Friends of the Sheriff’s Youth Ranch) brought Sarah Jackson (Sheriff’s Youth Ranch Magazine reporter) to our meeting to interview us.  They were very impressed at what we do.

Before the meeting we set all the items we have made for sale out on the tables for pricing and inventory.   We tried to group like items, setting kitchen items on one table, purses on another, quilts on another, etc.  Sarah took photos and talked to several of the ladies.  She is writing an article on clubs supporting the Ranch for the next issue of the magazine.

Show and Tell:

Mic Pickard showed some tote bags she made from some of our scraps and a wreath she made from yo-yos.

Kathryn Jeter showed a wall hanging.

Ceal Pedersen showed a quilt she completed with hand quilting.

Mary Ellen Boutin made 2 totes

 and a zipper bag.

Bev Minnerly made 2 more walker bags.

Louise Stem showed a walker bag she made 

and a needlework she unpacked.

Lu Karatzas is back with us and showed some tote bags she made from a friend’s discarded upholstery fabric.

Ellen Hein showed 2 quilts that she finished the binding on.  

She made both these quilt tops as well.

I showed a baby quilt I made.

Deb Chapman turned in two quilt tops.

Charlotte Cecilio showed some stuffed toys she made.

Several ladies accepted last week’s challenge to make squares on 10” foundation pieces, using our strip scraps.  We saw squares returned by 

Pat Pipa, 

Bev Minnerly, 

Eillen DiSanto,  

Ceal Pedersen,

 Liz Manzione (missed the photo), 

Deb Chapman, 

and Ellen Hein



After show and tell we got busy inventorying our sale items and attaching price tags.  Everything got packed up and loaded into my car by 3pm.   It will all stay there until Saturday morning.  The sale is at Savanah rec center on Saturday from 9AM to 2PM.  Please tell your Villages friends.   (You need a Villages ID or guest ID to get in.)

Next week Ceal will be showing us how to make the Le Moyne Star block.   I think she started with some of our 6” squares, but I will confirm that with her and bring the appropriate squares for your to try this.

 I have finalized the Halloween party attendee list this afternoon and will be placing the food order tomorrow. As I mentioned in prior emails, since this is being paid for out of our club funds and we have reached our budget max,  I am only ordering enough for those who have signed up.  If you want to attend and have not signed up, you will need to pay the $20 (including tax and tip) per person charge before I can order any more servings.   I am putting the order in on Thursday.


Hope to see you next week.



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