Speaking of donations, Ray and I delivered 32 doggie beds, a bag of towels, and a bag of tennis balls to the South Lake Animal League last Friday. 24 of these were made by Susie Pendry and Kathy Franklin. The rest came from the Allamanda Quilt chapter and our club's scraps. The shelter's always greatly appreciate these.
Susie has decided she can't make all these dog beds anymore, so the people who have been giving the fabric scraps to her may be bringing them to me. If I get them, I will be bringing them to meetings to be stuffed into dag beds sleeves. (We have plenty of those.) So anyone who would just like to stuff dog beds will have some to work on. I'll let everyone know if this happens.
Show and Tell:
Brenda Severa showed her Valentine Mug Rugs. (We will be making our own versions of Valentine Mug Rugs next week.)

Lu Karatzas finished her table runner from last week's project and a memory pillow for a friend.

Bev Minnerly made 2 fidget walker bags, a pillowcase, a microwave bowl potholder, and a bunch of doll clothes for Giving Dolls. Busy Lady!
Diane Placek showed a baby quilt top she is working on for a niece's baby. She cut up a Noah's Ark border fabric and used the fussy=cut images as focus fabric for the quilt. Since she has to mail it this week, we will not see the finished quilt, but the top is beautiful.
Jane Swafford made a couple of lovely pillowcases for our charities.
Eileen Di Santo made a Christmas pillowcase for our charities.

Ginny Piazza made a bunny table runner from last week's demo. She also showed 2 table runners she made using the one-hour table runner pattern.
Van Hathaway didn't sign up for show and tell, but I got her photo at the end. She finished a Hospice Veterans quilt.
I have been working on my 2017 Row by Rows a little at a time and showed the beach-themed quilt I finished a few weeks ago.
Since we switched our Silver Springs outing to Feb 28th, I had to find a project for next week. I found a cute, easy pattern for Valentine mug rugs. We have lots of red fabric for hearts that you are welcome to choose from and I've got lots of batting scraps that will work, so you'll only need the background and backing fabric. I will send out details in a separate email later.
For those going on the Silver Springs outing, I confirmed the costs. It costs $2 to enter the park and if you want to go on the glass bottom boat ride it will cost $10.70 for anyone over 55. (That's all of us, right?). The only other cost will be whatever you want for lunch. (You are welcome to bring your own if you have any special diet needs) So far there are 8 of us going. If anyone else wants to join, you have 3 weeks to decide.
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