Thursday, February 2, 2017

Club Notes - Feb. 1, 2017

First I want to thank you all for the kind words and prayers for my husband.  As those who were there yesterday know, I had to leave the meeting early to take Ray to the doctor.  He has an abdominal aortic aneurysm and they have him on lots of meds to keep his blood pressure down to give it a chance to heal on its own.  However, his blood pressure was going down lower than I thought good so we wanted to have the doctor take another look.  They did a thorough job of testing him yesterday afternoon, and as a result they stopped one of his meds.  Although not nearly 100%, he is doing better so far today.  This is something that will take months to heal, so please bear with me.   He is encouraging me to get out, so I will be at all my normal meetings unless I have to take him to any of the doctors.

We did have a nice turnout of about 20 ladies for yesterday's project.  Kathy Nichols did a great job of explaining the process and I'm looking forward to seeing your completed creations in 2 weeks.

Show and Tell:

I started by showing a purse with an appliquéd lighthouse motif I made for my sister on my embroidery machine.

Diane Placek showed a quilt top she made using the sdryer sheet method we all love.

Donna Rissman showed us that she really can do hand sewing ;)).  She completed her needle holder project from our hand embroidery session.

Lu Karatzas made a stack of about 7 microwave bowl potholders to give as gifts.

Carol Riggs Made a cute Chick-a-dee book for her granddaughter, and an apron. She also showed a cute Valentine table runner she picked up at the quilt show last weekend.

Bev Minnerly was busy as usual.  She showed 3 walker bags, a back pack, a wheel chair quilt, and her hand embroidered needle holder.

Kathy Nichols brought her completed Valentines wreath

Linda Parr showed her Cornerstone Hospice Quilt.

Our next meeting is on Feb 15th and we will be working on charity projects.  I will bring in all the donated fabric and accessories for you to choose from.  See you then.

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