Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Club Notes - April 26, 2023

There was lots of activity today as the ladies selected fabric to make potholders and placemats for the October sale, and toys for donation. 


Show and Tell:

Ceal Pedersen showed a baby quilt and some stuffed toys she painted the faces on.

Carolyn Grasso showed a quilt she made.

Pat Pipa made zipper bags and some stuffed animals.

Eileen DiSanto showed 2 gingerbread men and 2 giraffes waiting to be stuffed,

Diane Placek handed in 2 potholders and finished 

one of the UFO panels I offered last week,

Mary Ellen Boutin turned in several dryer sheet blocks 

and a quilt top.

Deb Chapman showed a quilt from The Quilting Bees.

Jean Peters turned in a larger stuffed giraffe than last week.

Bev Minnerly made more backpacks for young mothers.

Ellen Hein showed a quilt she made from blocks submitted by club members

 and several Hospice quilt tops

She also made some tote  bags and some zipper bags

Mic Pickard finished sewing, stuffing, and closing several stuffed animals that we didn’t finish last week.  (they were handed off to Ceal for face painting.)

Audrey Phillips finished the quilt top she has been working on her serger, with daughter Lynne Delgado’s help. 

 She also showed a cat she made and a backpack Lynne made from a panel.

 Sue Campbell showed a Christmas Tree placemat and offered the pattern for tracing.

Next week we will continue making toys and items for our October sale   I will bring insulbrite and batting scraps.   If you have any fall/winter seasonal fabric that you can spare, bring it.  If you need anything else, let me know.


Hope to see you all next week.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

April 19, 2023 Notes

We had fun this afternoon making toys for the hospital auxiliary. I brought all the toy patterns I could find and the ladies had fun looking through the instructions and picking out the ones they want to make.  A few of us cut fabric for the dinos and bears that we like.  Mic sewed them together, I clipped the corners and Mary Ellen stuffed.

Show and Tell:

Deb Chapman showed a quilt top she made with dryer sheet blocks.

Bev Minnerly made several backpacks for young mothers

and some walker bags

Louise Stem made some pillowcases.

Mic Pickard embroidered the name tags for this year’s Youth Ranch graduates 

and made a child’s walker bag.

Pat Pipa made 2 baby quilts.

Ceal Pedersen showed 2 baby quilts 

and some stuffed toys she made.

Jean Peters turned in 6 cute stuffed giraffes.

Audrey Phillips made a quilt top from squares she got from our stash last week.  She put them together using her serger.

She also turned in one she made a few years ago.

Mary Ellen Boutin turned in several dryer sheet blocks 

and 2 quilt tops.

Ernestine Vawter showed her first completed walker bag.

I showed a purse I made in a class at Allamanda, using cork fabric.

Ellen Hein made several tote bags 

and some zipper bags using the same fabric as one of the smaller ones.

 She also completed the 2nd duffle bag for the Sheriff’s Youth Ranch graduates.

Ellen completed the binding on 2 of our assembly line quilts.

I'm not sure who created this quilt top.

I made the orange and black quilt from our 5 inch squares.

Ellen and Mic showed the quilts that we selected to give to the Ranch.  The 2 graduates will each get a quilt, 2 pillowcases, and 3 zipper bags in a duffle bag with their name tag. 

 We also selected 2 quilts for employees retiring from the Ranch, each delivered in one of the lovely mondo bags that Anne Knoff turned in. 

Mic delivered all of these, plus 100 zipper bags for the summer camp kids, to Skip after the meeting.  I forwarded his thank you note earlier


Next week we will make potholders.   I will bring some different shape ideas that might work for our fall craft sale, as well as some insulbright and batting scraps.   If you have any fall/winter seasonal fabric that you can spare, bring it.  I will look through what I have as well.


Hope to see you all next week.